Could a Revamp of Australian Property Planning Rules Solve Some of Australia’s Housing Issues?

Could a Revamp of Australian Property Planning Rules Solve Some of Australia’s Housing Issues?

Rising property prices and high costs of living means the Australian dream of home ownership is slipping further and further away for many. Could an overhaul of Australian property planning rules offer a solution?

In recent discussions during a heated ABC Q+A debate on Homeownership, Homelessness & Housing supply, the Australian dream of homeownership has taken centre stage again, unveiling a crisis that grips not just potential homeowners but extends its grasp towards the homeless and vulnerable communities across the nation.

Even those “fortunate” enough to have purchased property are feeling significant interest rate stress as cost-of-living soars in recent times. Renters are experiencing rent hikes and dealing with historically low vacancy rates.

Australia’s housing issues in the spotlight

“Fundamentally, the problem is that we’re not building enough homes,” Mr Leigh, the Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities and Treasury, told Q+A.

It’s clear that Australia requires millions more homes to meet current demand but also accommodate future population growth.

However, as it stands, governments are finding it challenging to meet their own targets.

The debate, and followed up by The Sydney Morning Herald article Do planning rules really affect house prices? The answer is clear, has cast a spotlight on a host of interconnected factors contributing to this issue.

At the heart of the matter are planning and zoning rules, which, contrary to some beliefs, significantly influence housing prices and supply. This is a contentious point, highlighted by the disagreement between Max Chandler-Mather, Greens Spokesperson on Housing & Homelessness, and Dan McKenna, CEO of Nightingale Housing, pointing to a deeper complexity within the debate.

While Shadow Assistant Minister for Home Ownership, Senator Andrew Bragg’s remarks on construction industry, skills shortage and migration underscores the multifaceted approach needed to address the crisis.

This crisis reflects broader societal issues—including a shortage in construction and trades to debates on policy, immigration, and infrastructure development.

The challenges extend to financial mechanisms of owning a home, with strategies like tapping into superannuation funds or adopting shared equity schemes considered as possible solutions (which have their own implications).

As housing prices in some states soar to record levels and impact housing affordability, the dream slips further away for many, with rising homelessness a sign of a deepening emergency.

The conversation also touched on regulatory measures like controlling rent increases and revisiting the impacts of capital gains tax and tax concessions, such as negative gearing, which has been identified as contributing factors in the price hikes over the last few decades.

A possible solution to the housing crisis

Looking beyond our shores for solutions, it’s clear that this is not an issue unique to Australia.

International examples offer alternative paths forward and suggest a re-evaluation of property planning rules.

But first, we need to understand our current property planning rules.

Captured and represented by Archistar, Australian Property Planning Rules for Land Use could provide crucial insights into land use and, potentially, relief to the crisis. The data, available via the Snowflake Marketplace, details current land use zoning applied across the nation with geospatial representation. The use of that data can help us to understand where we currently stand and offer possible solutions when variables are tweaked, such as housing density.

Another challenge in solving the housing affordability problem in Australia, and globally for that matter, is the accessibility of data. 

Archistar is helping to break down these barriers by collating national datasets for planning rules that can be easily accessed and analysed using Snowflake’s Data Platform.

The way forward

As we negotiate this national emergency, it becomes increasingly evident that a multifaceted and inclusive approach is essential.

Engaging in open discussions, exploring innovative housing policies, and reconsidering the frameworks which our housing market operates could pave the way towards a more equitable future.

The dream of homeownership, safeguarding against homelessness, and the creation of sustainable communities demand it.

Australian Property Planning Rules for Land Use

Access Archistar’s Australian Property Planning Rules and understand zoning designations and regulations across the nation.

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Understanding Housing Affordability: Key Metrics and Statistics

Understanding Housing Affordability: Key Metrics and Statistics

Housing affordability is a significant concern in many parts of the world, affecting the quality of life and economic wellbeing of individuals and families.

Professor Nicole Gurran from the School of Architecture, Design and Planning says governments around the world are searching for solutions to fix housing affordability, with two opposing schools of thought seeing the solutions as:

  1. Increasing supply. Those in support of this point of view see housing as more expensive because there’s not enough new supply. They see land use regulation and planning processes as restrictive to new construction, adding costly delays and uncertainty to the development process.
  2. On the flipside, others argue that ‘demand side’ factors underlying global house price inflation, such as low cost credit under financial deregulation, or government incentives to encourage property investment are being ignored. They highlight the political influence of property industry groups sustaining housing demand while advocating for reduced regulations. Some even suggest that extensive rezoning reforms may trigger surges in redevelopment and gentrification, potentially displacing individuals with lower incomes.

To truly understand the dynamics of housing affordability we need to take a detailed look at a range of different metrics and statistics to gain a full picture.

Shedding light on these crucial measures can offer insights for homebuyers, policymakers, real estate professionals, and urban planners.

1. Median and Average Home Prices

These figures provide a baseline for understanding the cost of purchasing a home in a particular area, with the median providing a middle point and the average presenting an overall trend.

2. Price-to-Income Ratio

This critical ratio compares home prices to average household incomes. A higher ratio suggests that homes are less affordable relative to income.

3. Housing Affordability Measures

A Housing Affordability Index (HAI) assesses whether a typical family can afford the mortgage on a median-priced home, based on their income. An index above 100 indicates greater affordability.

The issue with the HAI is that it primarily focuses on purchase affordability.

The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) broadens what they classify as housing costs in measuring housing affordability.

AIHW defines housing costs as

the sum of rent payments, rate payments (water and general), and housing–related mortgage payments”,

AIHW expresses housing affordability as

“the ratio of housing costs to gross household income”,

While housing stress is typically described as

lower-income households that spend more than 30% of gross income on housing costs“.

The second measure is a more comprehensive approach which considers a range of housing costs, the complexity of housing affordability and its impact on households.

4. Rent-to-Income Ratio

Rent-to-Income Ratio compares a tenant’s monthly rent to their gross monthly income expressed as a ratio. For those in the rental market, this ratio measures how much of a household’s income is spent on rent, with higher values indicating less affordability.

Rental property

5. Mortgage Interest Rates

Interest rates directly affect the cost of borrowing money for home purchases.

An increase in mortgage interest rates typically mean an increase in mortgage repayments, which can negatively impact affordability.

While a reduction in rates typically means reduced mortgage repayments, which may improve affordability.

6. Mortgage Payment as a Percentage of Income

Mortgage payment as a percentage of income is an important measure of affordability by demonstrating the burden of mortgage payments relative to a household’s income.

This percentage is calculated by dividing monthly mortgage repayments by gross monthly wages. 

The recommended figure is 28% of pre-tax income. Or in other words, no more than 28% of gross monthly income should go towards monthly mortgage repayments.

7. Homeownership Rates

Broad changes in homeownership rates can signal shifts in affordability, and the overall health of the housing market. 

To gain an idea of homeownership rates in Australia, AIHW shares a view of Home ownership and housing tenure in Australia.

8. Cost of Living

Several measures are published to calculate and help gauge changes in the cost of living. Changes in cost of living impacts our household purchasing power and has implications for housing demand. 

The main ways we measure cost of living is the Consumer Price Index.

Consumer Price Index (CPI)

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, CPI is a measure of the average change over time in the prices paid by households for a fixed basket of goods and services (which is grouped into 11 categories: Food and non-alcoholic beverages, Alcohol and tobacco, Clothing and footwear, Housing, Furnishings, household equipment and services, Health, Transport, Communication, Recreation and culture, Education, and Insurance and financial services).

 It’s important to note that the calculation of CPI does not include the cost of buying established dwellings, nor mortgage repayments. However, it does include rents, the cost of new dwellings (excluding value of land) and major alterations and additions to dwellings. 

Included in CPI

Not included in CPI

  • Rent
  • Cost of new dwellings (excluding value of land)
  • Major alterations and additions to dwellings
  • Rates and charges
  • Utilities
  • The cost of buying established dwellings
  • The cost of purchasing land
  • Mortgage repayments
  • Costs associated with servicing a mortgage
Consumer Price Index

9. Gini Coefficient of Home Prices

The Gini Coefficient statistical measure is typically used as a measure of income inequality, although it can be used to assess inequality in various other contexts, including home values in a real estate market.

A Gini index of 0 represents perfect equality, while an index of 100 implies perfect inequality.

This measure can indicate the inequality in home values within a market, with higher values suggesting greater disparity.

10. Building Permits and Housing Starts

Building permits and housing starts are indicators of building activity and housing supply.  They can signal future market changes which may impact affordability.

11. Vacancy Rates

A vacancy rate is a measure of the percentage of all rental properties that are currently vacant and available for rent.

Fluctuations in vacancy rates can impact rental prices, as elevated rates often correlate with decreased rents, and conversely, lower vacancy rates may lead to higher rental prices.

12. Debt-to-Income Ratio

An individual’s Debt-to-Income Ratio is calculated by taking their total debt and dividing it by their annual income.

This ratio reflects a person’s capacity to afford housing in light of their existing debts.

14. Population Growth and Urbanisation

Rapid population increases or urbanisation can heighten housing demand, affecting affordability.

A Multifaceted View of Housing Affordability

These range of metrics offer a multifaceted and broader view of housing affordability, reflecting the many factors that impact pricing, while implicitly highlighting the complexities of the housing market.

They’re essential for making informed decisions, shaping policies, and understanding market trends.

By keeping a close eye on these indicators, stakeholders can better navigate the challenges and opportunities within the housing sector.

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