What is a Coordinate Reference System (CRS)?

What is a Coordinate Reference System (CRS)?

Imagine you’re taking part in a global treasure hunt or a real-life challenge like The Amazing Race, where the Earth itself is your game board. To navigate to your next destination, you rely on a giant map. But how do you know where exactly to go? You need a set of rules to interpret the map accurately and describe specific locations.


This is where a Coordinate Reference System (CRS) comes in.

Think of CRS like a universal language for maps, providing a framework for assigning coordinates (like X and Y on a grid) to different locations on Earth.

With this system in place, everyone can refer to the same locations using a consistent method, ensuring clarity and accuracy when navigating or sharing geographic data.

Let’s dive deeper into what a CRS is and why it’s essential for interpreting the world around us.


Coordinate Reference System (CRS)

A Coordinate Reference System (CRS) is a system that uses numbers to precisely pinpoint locations on maps or the Earth’s surface, ensuring everyone uses the same rules for describing positions.

By defining sets of coordinates and a standardised framework, it offers a consistent way to specify locations, making it possible for maps and geographic data to be accurately interpreted and shared.

A CRS typically includes a reference point, a set of axes, and a unit of measurement.

What is a CRS used for?

A Coordinate Reference System (CRS) is used to accurately represent, map, and interpret coordinates in a specific geographic or projected space. It enables precise location referencing on the Earth’s surface, ensuring that geographic data can be shared and understood consistently.

CRS is widely used in geography to study the Earth’s physical features, environments, and human interactions with these landscapes. It’s also crucial in cartography, where it ensures that maps are created with accurate geographic information, allowing for reliable navigation and analysis across various fields and applications.

Different Types of CRS

  • Geographic CRS: Based on a spherical or ellipsoidal model of the Earth’s surface, commonly using latitude and longitude coordinates.
  • Projected CRS: Maps the three-dimensional spherical or ellipsoidal Earth onto a two-dimensional plane, such as a map or a flat surface. Examples include Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) and State Plane Coordinate Systems.
  • Vertical CRS: Specifies elevations or depths relative to a reference surface (e.g., sea level).

Some examples of commonly used CRS include:

Practical applications of CRS in property and real estate

Coordinate Reference Systems (CRS) play a vital role in real estate and proptech by providing a standardised way to accurately represent geographic locations. Here are some practical applications:

Property Mapping and Visualisation

  • CRS allows for exact delineation of property boundaries, and accurate property boundaries are essential for legal and planning purposes.
  • CRS can be used by proptechs to create interactive property maps, allowing users to explore listings in a spatial context.

Location-Based Services

  • CRS can be used to calculate distances between properties and amenities like schools, parks, or public transport for proximity analysis.
  • Create virtual boundaries, or geofences, around properties for targeted marketing or notifications.

Urban Planning and Development

  • Ensure new developments comply with local zoning regulations by accurately positioning them within zoning maps.
  • Precise spatial data derived from CRS can be used in the planning of utilities and infrastructure for new real estate developments

Property Valuation

  • Accurately analyse and compare property locations, boundaries and size, and their impact on value.
  • Determine a property’s elevation and proximity to flood zones for risk assessment and insurance purposes.

Virtual and Augmented Reality

  • Virtual property tours are possible with the creation of georeferenced 3D models of properties.
  • Overlay property information on real-world views using mobile devices for use in augmented reality applications.

Data Integration and Analysis

  • Combine property data with other geographic information like demographics, crime rates, or environmental data for comprehensive analysis.
  • Perform complex spatial queries to identify properties meeting specific geographic criteria.

As can be seen in these examples, by leveraging Coordinate Reference Systems, real estate professionals and proptech companies can provide more accurate, data-driven services and make better-informed decisions based on spatial relationships and geographic context.

Originally published: 4 October, 2024

Last updated: 12 September, 2024

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How To Set Coordinate Reference Systems (CRS) In Snowflake Using Spatial Reference Identifiers

How To Set Coordinate Reference Systems (CRS) In Snowflake Using Spatial Reference Identifiers

In previous blogs, we’ve covered off what Coordinate Reference Systems (CRS) are, its scope and uses.

In this blog, we’ll cover how to set these on the Snowflake platform for geospatial referencing and analysis.

In Snowflake, you can define the Coordinate Reference System (CRS) by specifying a spatial reference identifier (SRID), which is a unique code that tells you which map or coordinate system you’re using, including its tolerance and resolution (or in other words, how precise and accurate it is).


If using the GEOGRAPHY data type in Snowflake, you won’t need to set the CRS, as it will be automatically set as WGS 84.

To set the CRS of a GEOMETRY data type, determine its SRID, then use the ST_SETSRID() function.

If not explicitly set, the SRID of a GEOMETRY column will be 0.

To convert from one CRS to another CRS on a GEOMETRY column, use the ST_TRANSFORM() function.


Coordinate Reference System

A Coordinate Reference System (CRS) defines how the two-dimensional, projected map in your GIS relates to real places on the earth. It encompasses:

  • Datum: Defines the position of the spheroid relative to the centre of the earth.
  • Projection: Converts the 3D surface of the earth to a 2D map.
  • Coordinate system: Defines how the coordinates relate to positions in the real world.

Spatial Reference System Identifier (SRID)

An SRID is a unique identifier associated with a CRS. It is a numeric value that references a specific CRS definition in a spatial database or standard, like the EPSG (European Petroleum Survey Group) codes.

Key Points

CRS is the comprehensive system that includes all the information needed to translate between coordinate systems and real-world positions.

SRID is an identifier for a specific CRS.

EPSG:4326 is a common SRID, where 4326 is the SRID that corresponds to the WGS 84 CRS (used by GPS).

What are the benefits of setting SRID in Snowflake?

Setting up an SRID in Snowflake ensures data consistency by aligning all spatial data to the same coordinate system, enhancing accuracy with precise tolerance and resolution information.

It facilitates interoperability between systems, enables advanced geospatial analysis and maintains data integrity by providing a defined coordinate framework.

This allows users to perform complex spatial queries efficiently in Snowflake.

How to set CRS and SRID in Snowflake

Snowflake provides the following data types for geospatial data:

  • The GEOGRAPHY data type, which models Earth as though it were a perfect sphere.
  • The GEOMETRY data type, which represents features in a planar (Euclidean, Cartesian) coordinate system.

The GEOGRAPHY data type follows the WGS 84 standard (spatial reference ID 4326).

The GEOMETRY data type represents features in a planar (Euclidean, Cartesian) coordinate system.

The coordinates are represented as pairs of real numbers (x, y). Currently, only 2D coordinates are supported.

The units of the X and Y are determined by the spatial reference system (SRS) associated with the GEOMETRY object. The spatial reference system is identified by the SRID number.

Unless the SRID is provided when creating the GEOMETRY object or by calling ST_SETSRID, the SRID is 0.


Returns a GEOMETRY object that has its SRID set to the specified value.

Use this function to change the SRID without affecting the coordinates of the object. If you also need to change the coordinates to match the new SRS, use ST_TRANSFORM instead.


Converts a GEOMETRY object from one spatial reference system SRS to another.

Use this function to change the SRID and the coordinates of the object to match the new SRS (spatial reference system).

If you just need to change the SRID without changing the coordinates (e.g. if the SRID was incorrect), use ST_SETSRID instead.


ST_SETSRID( <geometry_expression> , <srid> )


The following example creates and returns a GEOMETRY object that uses the SRID 4326:




ST_TRANSFORM( <geometry_expression> [ , <from_srid> ] , <to_srid> );

The following example transforms a POINT GEOMETRY object from EPSG:32633 (WGS 84 / UTM zone 33N) to EPSG:3857 (Web Mercator).

-- Set the output format to EWKT




ST_GEOMFROMWKT('POINT(389866.35 5819003.03)', 32633),


) AS transformed_geom;

After setting the SRID on a GEOMETRY object, you can check if it has been applied correctly using the ST_SRID() function.


Returns the SRID (spatial reference system identifier) of a GEOGRAPHY or GEOMETRY object.

Currently, for any value of the GEOGRAPHY type, only SRID 4326 is supported and is returned.


ST_SRID( <geography_or_geometry_expression> )

This shows a simple use of the ST_SRID function:


| ST_SRID(ST_MAKEPOINT(37.5, 45.5)) |
| 4326 |


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What is a Geodetic Datum?

What is a Geodetic Datum?

A geodetic datum can be described as a reference point or starting line that helps us measure and describe locations on the Earth’s surface.

Let’s use a sporting example to explain the concept.

Say you’re playing baseball, and have a home base where you start your game. This home base is like a geodetic datum. It’s a fixed point on the field that everyone agrees on as the reference point for scoring runs.

In baseball, all the distances are measured from home base. For example, how far you hit the ball or how far you run around the bases is based on your relationship to that central point. Without a fixed home base, it would be challenging to keep track of scores and positions accurately.

In the world of geography and mapping, Earth’s surface is vast and not perfectly flat, so we need a similar reference point. And a geodetic datum does just this, serving as a foundation for mapping and navigation.

What is a geodetic datum?

A geodetic datum is a model that defines the shape and size of the Earth’s surface, as well as the location of a reference point (the origin) and the orientation of the axes.

A geodetic datum provides the framework for measuring and comparing positions on the Earth’s surface.


A geodetic datum consists of several key components:

  • Reference Ellipsoid: Describes the shape of the Earth (e.g., WGS 84).
  • Geodetic Center: Specifies the Earth’s centre point.
  • Prime Meridian: Defines the longitudinal reference line (e.g., Greenwich Meridian).

What purposes does a geodetic datum serve?

Geodetic datums serve as a reference framework for defining the shape of the Earth and its orientation. They provide a consistent basis for measuring latitude, longitude, elevations and are essential in geospatial analysis.

Geodetic datums help us create accurate maps, GPS navigation and positioning, and other location-based systems by giving us a standardised starting point to measure distances and positions from.

Different types of geodetic datums

Some geodetic datums are global, aiming to provide a worldwide reference framework, although many countries and regions around the world commonly use different geodetic datums to best fit the curvature of the Earth in their boundaries for greater accuracy. They may also vary from one region to another due to historical, technical, and practical reasons.

Examples of commonly used geodetic datums include the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84) and the North American Datum 1983 (NAD83).

Geodetic datum used in property and real estate

How geodetic datums are used in property and real estate

Geodetic datums are fundamental to property and real estate by providing a standard referencing system for defining property boundaries, mapping, location-based services, and decision-making processes related to land use and property transactions.

  • Property Surveys:
    When a property is surveyed, geodetic datums provide a reference framework for precisely locating property boundaries and corners. Surveyors use coordinates based on the datum to define the property’s position on the Earth’s surface accurately. This is critical for property boundaries, ensuring that the land’s legal description is accurate.
  • Land Records and Title Deeds:
    Property records and title deeds often include coordinate information based on a specific geodetic datum. This information ensures the accuracy and consistency of land ownership records.
  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Mapping: GIS used in the real estate industry rely on geodetic datums to create digital maps. These maps help real estate professionals and government agencies manage property information, zoning, and land use more effectively.
  • Location-Based Services:
    Real estate agents and online platforms use mapping applications that rely on geodetic datums to display property locations accurately. This helps potential buyers or renters understand the property’s precise location and nearby amenities.
  • Property Valuation:
    Geodetic datums can be used in property valuation models to consider factors like the property’s location, proximity to schools, transportation, and other geographic features. These factors can affect a property’s value.
  • Land Use Planning:
    Urban and regional planners use geodetic datums to assess the suitability of land for different purposes, such as residential, commercial, or industrial development. They consider geographic factors and zoning regulations.
  • Environmental Impact Assessment:
    When evaluating the environmental impact of a real estate development, geodetic datums help assess factors like proximity to water bodies, floodplains, and protected areas.
  • Infrastructure Development:
    Geodetic datums are essential for planning and constructing infrastructure, such as roads, utilities, and public transportation systems. Accurate location information ensures that developments are built correctly.
  • Property Insurance:
    Insurers may use geodetic datums to assess the risk associated with a property’s location, particularly regarding natural disasters like floods or earthquakes.

Geodetic datums are used widely by proptechs and serve a number of purposes in real estate and property management. 

Read our blog to learn about the geodetic datums we use and reference in Australia.

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