New Zealand Population Estimates
From Data n Dashboards
Estimates of the resident population of New Zealand's 16 regions, 67 territorial authority areas, and 21 Auckland local board areas and statistical area 2

Data Overview
Estimates of the resident population of New Zealand’s 16 regions, 67 territorial authority areas, and 21 Auckland local board areas and statistical area 2 gives the best available measure of the size (by age and sex) of the population usually living in each area. This dataset is aligned with the 2020 geographic boundaries. The Population estimates from June 2018 are based on the 2018 Census results. This dataset can easily be joined with SA2 and higher geographic GIS to develop population maps.
- Population Estimates
- TA Region
- Area (statistical area 2)
- Area Code
- Year at 30 June (1996 to 2020)
- Age (comprises of various age groups)
- Sex (male, female and total people)
- Value (population count)
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Geographic Coverage
New Zealand (by N/A)