National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Australia
From The Proptech Cloud
Participant Data, Market Data and Provider Data direct from the National Disability Insurance Scheme

Data Overview
- Participant Data:
is about NDIS participants, including total number of participants, average committed supports and average payments.
- Market Data:
is about the NDIS market, including information on provider concentration, total payments, total committed supports, and utilisation.
- Provider Data:
is about providers, including information on active providers, participants per provider, provider growth and provider shrinkage.
This data can help you better support NDIS participants, identify new business opportunities, understand the NDIS marketplace around Australia, and help inform your decision making.
Find this data useful but require a more up-to-date version? Contact us to request the latest version or more frequent refreshes to meet your business needs.
Usage Example
Average annualised payment by age group of recipient.
select age_band, avg(avg_annualised_payment)::int
group by all
order by 2 desc
Cloud Region Availability
US West (Oregon)
Canada (Central)
US East (N. Virginia)
US East (Ohio)
US East (Commercial Gov - N. Virginia)
US Gov East 1 (Fedramp High Plus)
US Gov West 1
US Gov West 1 (DoD)
US Gov West 1 (Fedramp High Plus)
Asia Pacific (Jakarta)
Asia Pacific (Mumbai)
Asia Pacific (Osaka)
Asia Pacific (Seoul)
Asia Pacific (Singapore)
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Asia Pacific (Tokyo)
EU (Frankfurt)
EU (Ireland)
EU (London)
EU (Stockholm)
EU (Zurich)
EU (Paris)
South America (São Paulo)
Canada Central (Toronto)
Central US (Iowa)
East US 2 (Virginia)
South Central US (Texas)
US Gov Virginia
US Gov Virginia (FedRAMP) High Plus
West US 2 (Washington)
Australia East (New South Wales)
Central India (Pune)
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US Central 1 (Iowa)
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Europe West 4 (Netherlands)
Free, unlimited access
Geographic Coverage
Australia (by City)