Boundaries & Insights

From The Proptech Cloud

This data listing allows users to determine healthcare offerings within Australian suburbs.

Hospitals - Locations & Attributes - Australia 862 x 801px

Data Overview

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW)

The MyHospitals Mapping Detail is provided by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. It can be used to search for a particular hospital, or browse the full list of hospitals throughout Australia.

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare’s health and welfare data holdings are substantial, including more than 150 datasets. For more information, please see My Hospitals.

Schemas available:

– HEALTHCARE_AUS_FREE contains all tables for the Healthcare – Locations & Insights – Australia listing

Tables available:


The table contains:

– CODE- a code assigned to the hospital by AIHW
– NAME – The hospital name
– GEOM- the geometry field for the latitude and longitude
– TYPE – Hospital, Local Hospital Network, Primary Health Network, State, National
– SECTOR – Public or Private
– OPEN_CLOSED- Open or Closed
– STATE- Australian state the hospital is in

Cloud Region Availability

US West (Oregon)
Canada (Central)
US East (N. Virginia)
US East (Ohio)
US East (Commercial Gov - N. Virginia)
US Gov East 1 (Fedramp High Plus)
US Gov West 1
US Gov West 1 (DoD)
US Gov West 1 (Fedramp High Plus)
Asia Pacific (Jakarta)
Asia Pacific (Mumbai)
Asia Pacific (Osaka)
Asia Pacific (Seoul)
Asia Pacific (Singapore)
Asia Pacific (Sydney)
Asia Pacific (Tokyo)
EU (Frankfurt)
EU (Ireland)
EU (London)
EU (Stockholm)
EU (Zurich)
EU (Paris)
South America (São Paulo)

Canada Central (Toronto)
Central US (Iowa)
East US 2 (Virginia)
South Central US (Texas)
US Gov Virginia
US Gov Virginia (FedRAMP) High Plus
West US 2 (Washington)
Australia East (New South Wales)
Central India (Pune)
Japan East (Tokyo, Saitama)
Southeast Asia (Singapore)
UAE North (Dubai)
North Europe (Ireland)
Switzerland North (Zurich)
UK South (London)
West Europe (Netherlands)

US Central 1 (Iowa)
US East 4 (N. Virginia)
Europe West 2 (London)
Europe West 4 (Netherlands)






Free, unlimited access

Geographic Coverage

Australia (by Latitude and Longitude)


Business Needs

Location Planning

The AIHW Hospital Mapping table allows users to determine healthcare offerings within Australian suburbs. Use cases for this include segmenting properties or localities by the quality or availability of healthcare within a given proximity.