G-NAF Core

From Geoscape Australia

G-NAF Core makes accessing geocoded addresses easier.

It provides the core richness and power of G-NAF in a comprehensive, but easy-to-use format.

Precisely Address Fabric Australia

Data Overview


G-NAF Core makes accessing geocoded addresses easier.

It provides the core richness and power of G-NAF in a comprehensive, but easy-to-use format.

We build G-NAF Core using G-NAF, our geocoded national address file, which distils over 50 million contributed addresses into more than 15.2 million G-NAF addresses.

G-NAF Core reduces the complexity of G-NAF by delivering the data in a simplified table model. G-NAF’s approximately 50 tables are cut to two: one for current addresses and one for retired addresses. This reduces the need to select fields and build data relationships to access G-NAF’s essential address data, making it easier to use with less technical effort.

G-NAF Core is for all.

G-NAF Core is available fee free from Geoscape Australia for use in accordance with the End User License Agreement (EULA). See terms of service.

The EULA terms are based on the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY 4.0). However, an important restriction has been added relating to the use of G-NAF Core for the sending of mail. G-NAF Core must not be used for the generation of an address or a compilation or address for the sending of mail unless the user has verified that each address to be used for the sending of mail can receive mail by reference to a secondary source of information.

For guidance on complying with the EULA’s attribution requirements, please see the “How should I attribute G-NAF Core?” FAQ on Geoscape’s website.

Schemas included:

– GNAF_CORE_GDA2020 (Latitude and Longitude derived using GDA2020 datum in all tables within this schema)
– GNAF_CORE_GDA94 (Latitude and Longitude derived using GDA94 datum in all tables within this schema)

Tables included:

Each schema has 2 tables
– GNAF_CORE: Includes all active records
– GNAF_CORE_RETIRED: Includes all records that are no longer active

Attributes across both schemas and tables are identical. Key attributes include:
– ADDRESS_DETAIL_PID: A persistent identifier unique to each address
– ADDRESS_LABEL: A formatted, readable address label combining address elements into a single descriptive string.
– LEGAL_PARCEL_ID: Land parcel identifier.
– LONGITUDE: Longitude of the address.
– LATITUDE: Latitude of the address.

Cloud Region Availability

Asia Pacific (Sydney)






Free, unlimited access

Geographic Coverage

Australia (by Address)


Business Needs

Location Geocoding

Contact Data Enrichment

Location Geocoding



Find the Longitude and Latitude for over 15M Australian addresses

Contact Data Enrichment



Improve your address data by accessing a list of over 15M formatted addresses in Australia.