Locations & Insights
From The Proptech Cloud
This data listing allows users to determine education offerings within Australian suburbs.
Data Overview
Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA)
The Australian Schools List is provided by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority. It can be used to search for a particular school, or browse the full list of schools throughout Australia.
In order to operate, schools must be registered with the respective school registration authority in each state or territory. ACARA has obtained the list from all 14 school registration authorities in Australia in order to create the Australian Schools List. This list provides an update of all schools and campuses in Australia. It also includes school location, school type and school sector attributes.
Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS)
CRICOS is the official list of all Australian education providers that offer courses to people studying in Australia on student visas and the courses offered. This listing is a snapshot of the CRICOS.
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Schemas Available
– EDUCATION_AUS_FREE contains all tables for the Education – Locations & Insights – Australia listing
Tables Available
The table contains
– SCHOOL_NAME – the registered name of the school
– GEOM- the geometry field for the latitude and longitude
– Address fields (SUBURB, STATE, POSTCODE)
– SECTOR – Government or Non-Government
– STATUS – Open or not
– GEOLOCATION – Indicator whether the school is metro or regional
– PARENT_SCHOOL_ID – a link to a parent school. If not parent, it links to itself
Schemas Available
– EDUCATION_AUS_FREE contains all tables for the Education – Locations & Insights – Australia listing
Tables Available
– CRICOS_INSTITUTIONS – A distinct list of institutions
– CRICOS_LOCATION – All locations for each institution
The tables contain name, type and address information. No geospatial representations are available on these tables
Cloud Region Availability
US West (Oregon)
Canada (Central)
US East (N. Virginia)
US East (Ohio)
US East (Commercial Gov - N. Virginia)
US Gov East 1 (Fedramp High Plus)
US Gov West 1
US Gov West 1 (DoD)
US Gov West 1 (Fedramp High Plus)
Asia Pacific (Jakarta)
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Asia Pacific (Osaka)
Asia Pacific (Seoul)
Asia Pacific (Singapore)
Asia Pacific (Sydney)
Asia Pacific (Tokyo)
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EU (London)
EU (Stockholm)
EU (Zurich)
EU (Paris)
South America (São Paulo)
Canada Central (Toronto)
Central US (Iowa)
East US 2 (Virginia)
South Central US (Texas)
US Gov Virginia
US Gov Virginia (FedRAMP) High Plus
West US 2 (Washington)
Australia East (New South Wales)
Central India (Pune)
Japan East (Tokyo, Saitama)
Southeast Asia (Singapore)
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North Europe (Ireland)
Switzerland North (Zurich)
UK South (London)
West Europe (Netherlands)
US Central 1 (Iowa)
US East 4 (N. Virginia)
Europe West 2 (London)
Europe West 4 (Netherlands)
Free, unlimited access
Geographic Coverage
Australia (by Address)