Demographics Insights Bundle

From Precisely

The Demographics Insights bundle features a collection of Precisely products which have been optimized to derive insights through machine learning and AI analytics.

Precisely Demographics Insights AUS

Data Overview

The Demographics Insights bundle features a collection of Precisely products which have been optimized to derive insights through machine learning and AI analytics. The bundle contains over 950 variables which have been selected to maintain consistency across statistical areas and 4-digit postcodes. The product features three main categories for deep analysis.

  • Estimates and Projections make it easy to understand current population characteristics and movements while helping to predict future changes in the demographic landscape.
  • Consumer Expenditure provides consumer spending data across a broad range of categories. Annual expenditures are calculated using the ratio between disposable income, demographics, and expenditures for products and services derived from household budget surveys from national statistical offices.
  • Current ABS Census data is also provided. The product also offers multiple field header options to enable broader textural analysis.

Data Sets

The Demographics Insights Bundle consists of 12 tables. There are four tables for each of the three main categories featured in the product. Each category option features a variables and schema table as well as three tables containing the data itself. The three data content tables provide the same data with different header options optimized for different usage scenarios.

  • Consumer Spend Potential includes a variables and schema table and three data tables: one with a long header name, a second with a medium length header name, and a third with a short header name.
  • Population Estimates and Projections includes a variables table, schema table and three data tables: one with a long header name, a second with a medium length header name, and a third with a short header name.
  • Base Demographics includes a variables table, schema table and three data tables: one with a long header name, a second with a medium length header name and a third with a short header name.

Please see Snowflake Marketplace for full details about this data listing.

Cloud Region Availability

US West (Oregon)
Canada (Central)
US East (N. Virginia)
US East (Ohio)
US East (Commercial Gov - N. Virginia)
US Gov East 1 (Fedramp High Plus)
US Gov West 1
US Gov West 1 (DoD)
US Gov West 1 (Fedramp High Plus)
Asia Pacific (Jakarta)
Asia Pacific (Mumbai)
Asia Pacific (Osaka)
Asia Pacific (Seoul)
Asia Pacific (Singapore)
Asia Pacific (Sydney)
Asia Pacific (Tokyo)
EU (Frankfurt)
EU (Ireland)
EU (London)
EU (Stockholm)
EU (Zurich)
EU (Paris)
South America (São Paulo)

Canada Central (Toronto)
Central US (Iowa)
East US 2 (Virginia)
South Central US (Texas)
US Gov Virginia
US Gov Virginia (FedRAMP) High Plus
West US 2 (Washington)
Australia East (New South Wales)
Central India (Pune)
Japan East (Tokyo, Saitama)
Southeast Asia (Singapore)
UAE North (Dubai)
North Europe (Ireland)
Switzerland North (Zurich)
UK South (London)
West Europe (Netherlands)

US Central 1 (Iowa)
US East 4 (N. Virginia)
Europe West 2 (London)
Europe West 4 (Netherlands)






Available on request


Business Needs

Accelerating Advertising Revenue

Audience Activation

Demand Forecasting

Economic Impact Analysis

Population Health Management

Accelerating Advertising Revenue



Use the Census-based demographics, estimated current and future demographics of an area, the spend potential on various product types, and current-year income estimates to better target postcodes that best fit your advertising strategy.

Audience Activation



Postcode-level Census Demographics with current and future estimates of population by age and gender enhance your segmentation activities.

Demand Forecasting



Postcode-level Consumer Spend Potential can provide insights into likely spending habits for a region to support your go-to-market decisions.

Economic Impact Analysis



Census-based, estimated current and future demographics, and current-year income estimates can provide insights into communities to assist understanding the like impact of positive and negative events.

Population Health Management



Based on Household Expenditure Surveys and other specific inputs, the postcode level trends of consumer spend potential can provide insights into positive and negative health impacts. Also included are Census, current and estimated age and population counts, linking in key demographic attributes.