Crime Statistics

From The Proptech Cloud

Locality-based Australian crime statistics for location planning

Crime Statistics Australia

Data Overview

The Proptech Cloud’s Crime – Statistics – Australia listing includes data sets from several Australian organisations that have made their data freely available under Creative Commons licencing. The following details the data providers and their data sets.

  • South Australia Police (SAPOL)
    SAPOL provides a broad range of policing and community services to ensure that South Australia remains a safe place to live, visit and do business. SAPOL protects and reassures the community through enforcement, incident response, investigation, prosecution, education, advocacy, victim support and community engagement.
  • Crime Statistics Agency (CSA)
    The CSA is responsible for processing, analysing and publishing Victorian crime statistics, independent of Victoria Police.
    The CSA aims to provide an efficient and transparent information service to assist and inform policy makers, researchers and the Victorian public. The legal basis for the Crime Statistics Agency is the Crime Statistics Act 2014, which provides for the publication and release of crime statistics, research into crime trends, and the employment of a Chief Statistician for that purpose.
  • ACT Policing
    Each quarter, ACT Policing issues crime statistics illustrating the offences reported or becoming known in suburbs across Canberra. The idea is to provide the community with a clear understanding of crime in their area. The town centres have also been highlighted to give the community a better idea of policing in the shopping and restaurant districts.
  • NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOCSAR)
    The Bureau is a statistical and research agency within the Department of Communities and Justice. It was established in 1969. The information stored in the Bureau’s databases can be used to answer many questions about crime and justice in NSW. The information in our database of crimes reported to police includes details such as the type of offence and when and where it was committed.
  • Queensland Police Service
    The Queensland Police Service makes information available online as per requirements under the Right to Information Act 2009 (RTI Act) and the Information Privacy Act 2009 (IP Act) which replaced the Freedom of Information Act 1992.

Schemas available:
– CRIME_STATISTICS_AUS_FREE contains all tables for this listing

Tables available:

Cloud Region Availability

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Canada (Central)
US East (N. Virginia)
US East (Ohio)
US East (Commercial Gov - N. Virginia)
US Gov East 1 (Fedramp High Plus)
US Gov West 1
US Gov West 1 (DoD)
US Gov West 1 (Fedramp High Plus)
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US Gov Virginia (FedRAMP) High Plus
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US Central 1 (Iowa)
US East 4 (N. Virginia)
Europe West 2 (London)
Europe West 4 (Netherlands)






Free, unlimited access

Geographic Coverage

Australia (by Postal Code)


Business Needs

Location Data Enrichment

Locality-based crime statistics serve as an invaluable resource for various stakeholders involved in location planning, encompassing both public and private sector ventures. These statistics provide crucial insights into the safety and security landscape of specific locales, thereby facilitating informed decisions concerning site selection, allocation of resources, and implementation of security measures.