
From Mapbox

The Mapbox Snowflake native application currently supports forward and reverse geocoding using the Mapbox APIs, as well as Mapbox Enterprise Boundaries point-in-polygon lookup.


Data App Overview

The Mapbox Snowflake native application currently supports forward and reverse geocoding using the Mapbox APIs, as well as Mapbox Enterprise Boundaries point-in-polygon lookup.

You can use the Mapbox app to geocode address strings and get back the longitude and latitude coordinates for the given address. Reverse geocode a pair of coordinates and get back what address or place is located at the provided point.

Forward and reverse geocoding functions are available as SQL user-defined functions (UDFs) which call the Mapbox API from within Snowflake and return results directly in Snowflake. These geocoding UDFs can be used in Snowflake worksheets, as well as used to build stored procedures within your Snowflake account.

The Mapbox Enterprise Boundaries point-in-polygon lookup is a stored procedure which can be used to take longitude and latitude points in a table, do a point-in-polygon lookup for each row in the table, and save the boundary result for the desired boundary layer to a designated column in that same table.

See the README that comes with the application for detailed installation instructions and usage examples.

Cloud Region Availability

US West (Oregon)
Canada (Central)
US East (N. Virginia)
US East (Ohio)
Asia Pacific (Mumbai)
Asia Pacific (Osaka)
Asia Pacific (Seoul)
Asia Pacific (Singapore)
Asia Pacific (Sydney)
Asia Pacific (Tokyo)
EU (Frankfurt)
EU (Ireland)
EU (London)
EU (Stockholm)
South America (São Paulo)




Paid (Trial available)

Geographic Coverage

Global (by Address)


Business Needs

Location Data Enrichment

Location Geocoding

Location Data Enrichment



Perform point-in-polygon enterprise boundaries lookups on longitude/latitude coordinate data for various boundary layer types available from

Location Geocoding



Perform forward and reverse geocoding of addresses and places powered by Mapbox's APIs, directly using simple SQL statements. Use this geocoding functionality to power stored procedures, tasks, other workloads, or directly in Snowflake worksheets.