Forecast Weather Data


With this dataset you can use weather forecast data to help predict how weather may affect your business decisions. - Forecast Weather Data

Data Overview

With this dataset you can use weather forecast data to help predict how weather may affect your business decisions. You can enrich and improve your website, your analysis, your Data Science project, or trigger any event based on high accurate weather forecast. Forecast data includes of the actual weather forecast for the next 3 days on hourly level for any given ZIP code.

The data can be found here:

The full list of fields can be found in the documentation, we also provide thunderstorm risk and more cloud parameter forecasts.

  • COUNTRY: Country of the location
  • ZIP_CODE: ZIP code of the location
  • DATE_LOCAL_FULL: Date & hour of forecast
  • AIR_PRESSURE: Normal air pressure at sea level in hPa
  • AIR_TEMPERATURE: Temperature in °C
  • CLOUD_COVER: Total cloud cover in 1/8
  • DEWPOINT: Dew point in °C
  • PRECIPITATION: Total precipitation in mm
  • PREC_PROBABILITY: Precipitation probability in %
  • RELATIVE_HUMIDITY: Relative humidity in %
  • SNOWFALL: Snow fall in mm
  • SUNSHINE_DURATION: Sunshine duration in min
  • WEATHER: Weather state
  • WIND_SPEED: Wind speed in m/s

Cloud Region Availability

EU (Frankfurt)
EU (Ireland)

West Europe (Netherlands)

Europe West 4 (Netherlands)






Available on request

Geographic Coverage

Global (by Postal Code)

Time Coverage

Next 3 days


Business Needs

Demand Forecasting

Risk Analysis

Demand Forecasting



Analyze the impact of the weather on your business

Risk Analysis



Forecast the effect of extreme weather events on your business